Berend’s East Greenland kayak, Leiden (The Netherlands)

The East Greenland kayak on the water.
It’s my first time rolling, and I’ve yet to get the hang of it.
The finished East Greenland kayak.

I started (late 2019) with the construction of an LPB. Building was a fun and educational process. Thanks to Brain Schulz’s help and the detailed directions in his video course, I was able to build the kayak without any problems. I got the hang of it, and there was an opportunity to make a second kayak, a Greenland kayak this time. I was still doubting between a West and an East Greenland kayak. I chose the latter because it looks the slickest: long and slender, low on the water, and nice lines on the deck.

Two kayaks: the LPB and the East Greenland kayak.

First I show a few photos of the result, then the photos of the construction of the kayak. Usually with a short explanation and sometimes with a longer one.

A few pictures of making the bow and stern. In retrospect I would have made sure that the line of the oak plank would follow the line of the gunwales. But yes, afterwards, when the skin was already on, there was little that could be done about it. Better luck next time.

The frame is finished and oiled.
The result.


View posts by Berend
Berend likes being outside and preferably on the water. He has been canoeing for over 38 years, in all kinds of boats: K1, C1, kayaking on large water, long distances, kayak camping, and so on. Since he made a greenland paddle (with instructions from Brian) for the first time in 2019, he wanted to go further and started building boats too.


  1. Wim van Velzen
    September 13, 2021

    ha Berend

    You got yourself a very beautiful kayak! Congrats,

    Wim van Velzen

    1. Berend
      October 31, 2021


  2. Franz
    October 31, 2021

    Hi Behrend,
    congrats to the new boot. Looks great!
    How much Colean paint did you need for the kayak? When I built my F1 I shortly contemplated to use it, but the price put me off. In the meantime I met a guy with a greenland kayak he built from Harveys book, which he had coated with Colean. Looked great, but I forgot to ask how much he needed.

    1. Berend
      October 31, 2021

      I bought two cans of 700 ml each and one of 350 ml. That serves three layers on top of the kayak, and four on the bottom. I did not finish all of the Coelan, approximately 100 ml stayed in the can. It served the LPB I built before also, so probably it is enough for your F1 too, if it is not a lot bigger (more surface).

      1. Franz
        October 31, 2021

        Manny thanks!
        If it’s enough for the LPB it’s good for the F1 anyway. Would love to hear about the long term durability.

        And sorry for the ‘h’ 😉


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